Conjunctions in French

Boosting Confidence and Fluency

Conjunctions in French Lesson

Conjunctions are like super connectors in French language! They help us join two ideas or words together to make sentences more interesting and meaningful. They act as bridges that bring different parts of a sentence closer, making everything flow smoothly.

In this lesson we will dive into learning the most common conjunctions, the different types and see how they make language exciting and fun! 

Here are seven of the most common Conjunctions in French

Conjunction: Mais (But)

Je vais à l’école, mais je n’aime pas ça. / I go to school, but I don’t like it

Conjunction: Ou (Or)

Veux-tu du lait ou de l’eau? / Do you want milk or water?

Conjunction: Et (And)

Aujourd’hui, nous allons au parc et à la plage. / Today, we go to the park and to the beach.

Conjunction: Donc (So)

Je pense, donc, je suis. / I think, so I am.

Conjunction: Car (Because)

J’apprends le français, car je veux voyager. / I learn French because I want to travel.

Conjunction: Ni (Nor)

 Je ne veux pas d’un chat ni d’un chien. / I don’t want a cat nor a dog.

Conjunction: Or (But/Yet)

 Il est tard, or il n’et toujours pas rentré. / It’s late but he still hasn’t come back.

Note to remember:

As you might have noticed in the examples above, when using french conjunctions such as donc, car and ou, it is important to remember to write a comma before them!

Free Printable Practice Worksheet

Now that you have learned all the basics on Conjunctions in French, it is time to practice what you’ve learned with the following practice exercises:

 French Conjunction Worksheet 1

 French Conjunction Worksheet 2 

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