How to Use a comma

Boosting Confidence and Fluency

How to use a comma - in FRENCH

A comma is an important part of punctuation in a sentence because a clear sentence structure is key to efficient communication. Make sure to scroll all the way to the end to get access to free printable worksheets to test your knowledge! Now, Here are some circumstances in which you can use a comma.

Now, Here are some circumstances in which you can use a comma

When the sentence complement is not at the end of the sentence.

Ex: Aujourd’hui, je vais aller à l’école.              Je vais aller à l’école aujourd’hui.

     Today, I am going to school.                        I am going to school today.

When adding an explanation in the noun clause.

Julie, une élève de première année, n’aime pas le chocolat.

Julie, a 1st grade student, does not like chocolate.

When adding an explanation at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence.

Parce qu’elle a peur du noir, elle dort mal.   

Because she is afraid of the dark, she does not sleep well. 

Elle dort mal parce qu’elle a peur du noir. 

She does not sleep well because she is afraid of the dark. 

When using a connecting word.

Premièrement, je fais mes devoirs.

First, I do my homework. 

Cependant, elle était très petite.

However, she was very short. 

Before using some conjunctions.

Il aime les animaux, donc il aime les chats.  Il aime le chocolat, mais il n’aime pas le lait.

He likes animals, therefore he likes cats.      He likes chocolate, but he doesn’t like milk.

Il regarde les fleurs, car elles sont belles.

He looks at the flowers, because they are gorgeous. 

And to Seperate items in a list!

You have to use a comma between each element of a list except before the conjunction “et”.

J’aime les pommes, les poires, les fraises et les ananas.

I like apples, pears, strawberries and pineapples. 

Tu aimes chanter, courir, sauter et nager.

You like singing, running, jumping and swimming. 

Now it's time to test your knowledge!

Now that you have learned more about the comma, don’t hesitate to practice using our worksheets below!

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